dream a little dream

Dreams, in Sigmund Freud's view (The Interpretation of Dreams, 1899), were all forms of "wish-fulfilment" - attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort, whether something recent or something from the recesses of the past.
I had an uneasy dream yesterday morning, just half an hour before my alarm rang. There were 2 men who were trying to get through the opened gates of my house, and I tried to stop them by pressing the remote control. It closed... but to my horror, they had keys for the smaller gate's lock. The rest of the details are a little blur, but I remember my mum unlocking the door on the inside, and I was upset that she did. I was angry at something she had said to me, I couldn’t quite remember what it was though. But that had sparked tears in my eyes. I was crying.
I woke up.
Sometimes when I get disturbing dreams like that, I can't help but be curious as to what an interpretation would be. I picked out 2 prominent things I could remember from my dream:
1) There was a gate.
2) I was crying.
A quick search on the Dream Dictionary site I frequent every once in awhile had these interpretations:
To see or pass through a gate in your dream, suggests that you are walking through a new phase of life. It also represents new opportunities and possibilities.
To see a closed gate in your dream, signifies your inability to overcome current difficulties. If you are unable to open the gate, then it indicates that your hard work will be seen as unsatisfactory. It may also mean that you are not ready or not prepared to move on to the next step.
Well... I closed the gate. Does it mean I don't want to move forward? Am I holding back in taking that big step? And... What is this big step I'm afraid of? I have no answer. Only speculative deductions.
To dream that you are crying, signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In our daily lives, we tend to ignore, deny, or repress our feelings. But in our dream state, our defence mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of such emotions.
To wake up crying, suggest the grieving of your soul and that you need to change your ways.
I didn't quite wake up crying. But I was definitely exhausted when I woke up from crying in my dream. Have I been denying myself much needed release of emotions that swim in my soul every day? I can't quite pinpoint specific emotions and tie them back to an occurence that's lead to feeling those emotions. If I allow myself to swim in the sea of chaos to find some clues, I doubt I'll be able to find my way back to shore. I think for now, I'm quite settled to stay afloat on the rubber raft. I feel safe.
I wonder what I'll dream of next.
Maybe it's time I had a heart-to-heart talk with my unconscious self.
Technorati: personal, reflections, dreams
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