de-lurkers, say hello!

I stumbled upon something called 'National De-Lurker Week' on 5xmom's blog, who stumbled upon it from some other foreign blogs. Hmmm, I didn't know there was such a thing. Did it start this week? Or was it carried on from last week? Oh well, doesn't matter.
I'll declare this week 'National De-Lurker Week' for the stalker gang. Oh, and for anyone who reads this blog too. It'd be nice if you came out from your hiding place and said "hello, I read your blog, nice to meet you." It'll also make my blog feel a little more appreciated (and l-o-v-e-d by you!).
Don't be shy now. Just click on the comments link and drop me a note. Oh, and if you want to post about this, remember to trackback to my post, I'll come say hi in yours.
Come on, say hello, would you? I know you're out there somewhere... *winks*!

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