Sunday, February 19, 2006

unanswered questions part III

Here's the third set of answers to...

...questions from Nine3Nine4:

Why 9394 call you SW?
Because 9394 thinks I climb the rocks the way Spider-Man goes up the walls. And since I'm not a man, I'd have to be called Spider-Woman (SW, lah)!

Why Rock Climbing?
I never thought I'd go into rock climbing as a sport about 10 years ago. It wasn't until this guy, whom I dated for a couple of months in Uni, introduced me to it. He's a great rock climber himself and taught me to appreciate the sport. There are various degrees of difficulty, and you do the best of your abilities. No time limit, no finish line, no one to compete with but yourself (unless you're into competitions).

Which place you dream you like to rock climb?
Yosemite in US, and Arapiles in Australia.

Why biking?
I've always wanted to be able to ride a bike. It looked so easy when Lance Armstrong was doing it! Since I was game in learning how to ride, why not take it further and go off-road biking? It's a very different and far more interesting scene when you're riding downhill on a pebbly or muddy track, dodging big stones and tree roots along the way. Sure beats dodging traffic in town. And it gives me a sense of accomplishment ("I burnt 300 calories on that uphill!").

Why Blog?
I wanted a way to express how I felt and what I was going through if and when something happens in my life. More often than not, when we meet up with people, they always ask, "So how have you been? What've you been up to?" If I didn't have a blog, I'd go, "Oh, nothing much..."

But now that I have one and some of my friends actually read it, they ask me different questions - What happened there? Why did you do this / that? - and it sort of helps fill in the blanks which I usually don't elaborate in an ordinary conversation.

Why you join in the singing in LinPeh CNY blogger sing song?
Because Lin Peh put my name big-big on his blog, saying that he was expecting some of us (me included) to send in our recordings but didn't! I felt bad, so I thought I'd do what I could to help him out.

...questions from Kat:

1. When did you start baking?
I can't remember if I've ever baked as a child. I definitely did help make cookies during CNY once in awhile, but I started baking cakes, bread and what not sometime in November 2005 because I had a craving for bagels. From there, I just started looking for more recipes which were interesting enough to satisfy my taste buds.

2. What was the first thing you ever baked?
Sticky date pudding. I wanted to try out something easy before diving into complicated bagel-making.

3. What was the first SUCCESSFUL thing you ever baked?
That would have to be the sticky date pudding as well. I first had a taste of sticky date pudding many, many years ago, made by my friend's mother. It's different from what I remembered it to be, but that's probably because she had a different recipe altogether.

4. What was the most special thing you baked and why?
Zucchini brownies. Because I've never heard of using zucchini to make brownies, ha-ha! Oh, and bagels too - because it reminds me of my trip to London where I had packed bagel sandwiches for lunch almost every day.

5. What thing do you want to bake but haven't due to high level of difficulty?
Oh, lots! English muffins, crumpets and pretzels are part of the list. Looking at the amount of effort, it just makes me put it off for another day when I feel gung-ho about making something different. For now I'll just go to the nearest bakery or supermarket for some instant gratification.

6. What drives you to bake? Other than hunger, obviously!!
Honestly? I don't know! I just feel like making something with my hands. And I like feeding people with my goodies, if they turned out ok, that is. Makes me happy seeing them enjoying something I made.

7. What is your favourite baking recipe?
Gingerbread cookies. It's simple to follow, and I just love chewy cookies.

8. If someone special wants to bake you something, what would it be and why?
I'd say, surprise me. If it were someone special baking something just for me, anything would be great... *wink*!

p.s. Jane, answers to your question in the next post, those require a little more thinking... *ahem*!

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If you're wondering what this post is about, it's a follow up for an invite I did here. Feel free to ask. Q&A session closes on Sunday, 5 p.m.
